Uniswap Exchange - Uniswap Wallet Login

The Uniswap mobile wallet - available for early access - is a self-custodial wallet created by Uniswap Labs to simply and safely swap, store, and use crypto on Mainnet,


A cryptocurrency wallet allows you to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies on the blockchain.

Before selecting the wallet you would like to use for crypto transactions, it is important to learn more about the different types of wallets.

The steps to getting a crypto wallet depends on the type of wallet you would like. Here is an overview of how to get a crypto wallet.

How to get a software wallet

A software wallet, or hot wallet, is a browser or mobile app based wallet. There are two types of software wallets - custodial wallets and self-custodial wallets.

Custodial Wallet

A custodial wallet is a wallet in which a third party holds your cryptographic private keys and securely stores your funds. In most jurisdictions, custodial wallet providers are regulated entities, similar to traditional banks. Like banks, custodial wallet providers are responsible for securing your account and funds. To use a custodial wallet, you log in with a username and password to access your account with the provider, and you instruct the provider to conduct transactions on your behalf.

  1. Download the wallet application to your phone or visit the web browser to begin account set up.

  2. Create a username and password that secures your account. The wallet you choose will have specific set-up steps for you to follow. It is important to know that you will not be given the private key to your account, as the wallet issuer has custody of this.

Common custodial wallets include: Coinbase, Gemini, and Crypto.com. You cannot use a custodial wallet if you want to trade on Uniswap and other DeFi applications.

Do your own research to find the best custodial wallet for you!

Self-Custodial Wallet

A self-custodial wallet is a wallet in which you alone hold your cryptographic private keys and are responsible for securely storing those keys.

Self-custodial wallets are software that allow you to directly interact with blockchains and blockchain-based applications like Uniswap or Compound. When you set up a self-custodial wallet, you do not have an account with the wallet software provider, so it is imperative to write down your recovery phrase that is given when signing up for the wallet.

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